have you seen the big hero 6 movie yet?

my favorite things, movies, Disney, cartoons

we finally got to watch disneys’ big hero 6 this week + i am glad we did! we all enjoyed the film + have fallen in love with baymax, he is such a cute character. we also love hiro + his brother, Tadashi’s friends who became his friends, too. i enoy hiro + baymax’s adventure, especially when hiro updated baymax’s program + filled it with awesome fighting skills, as well as the ability to fly. it will be totally cool to fly around town in the back of an awesome robot, right?

mum said big hero 6 was made by the same team that brought us frozen + my fave, wreck-it ralph, no wonder i enjoy this film, too! ^_^

here is the line-up of characters at the latest disney offering {with descriptions i got from wikipedia} + my faves are the main ones, baymax + hiro:

  • 1. hiro hamada ~ 14-year-old robotics prodigy who has already graduated high school. His older brother Tadashi inspires Hiro to gain admission to San Fransokyo’s Institute of Technology
  • 2. baymax ~  an inflatable robot built by Tadashi to serve as a healthcare companion
  • 3. fred ~ a laid-back comic-book fan who also plays the mascot at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology
  • 4. go go tamago ~ a tough, athletic, adrenaline junkie who is developing electromagnetic wheel axles at the institute
  • 5. wasabi ~ a smart, slightly neurotic, largely built neat-freak and an expert on laser cutting
  • 6. honey lemon ~ a quirky chemistry whiz
  • 7. professor robert callaghan/ yokai ~ the head of a robotics program at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and Tadashi’s professor and mentor, who also turned out to be the big villain afterwards

i am sure you will like the film as much as i did. go catch it with mum + dad today, if you haven’t already! by the way, do check out mum’s big hero 6 movie review!


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g is for gnomeo

movies, my favorite things 

mum downloaded this film a few days back + it is now my current favorite. seen it about 6 times already! ^_^ can you blame me? i find the gnomes rather cute + the catchy songs also added to the charm of this diminutive characters’ big adventure!

mum said the story was based on an old tragedy that was written by someone named shakespeare, she told me to read the book when i grow up, too! for this movie, however, the tragic ending was changed into a better one by ending the age-old fight against the reds {the capulets} + the blues {the montagues} and gnomeo + juliet being together.

added treat was the voice used for juliet’s father was the same one who brought one of my favorite characters, finn mcmissile, to life!

go download a copy if you have not see the film yet, i know you like it as much as i did! 😉

my share for this week’s ABC Wednesday

image is from Google.com

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kids in doodles: watching the avengers


kids in doodles, movies, toddlers, best things to do this summer

i have always been interested with the avengers movie ever since mum pointed it out in the tellie one time + when we got thor’s hammer free from the pack of my favorite hotdogs dad bought a few weeks back. i would make it a point to blurt out “avenger” whenever i see the trailer + photos that mum promised we’d watch it as soon as we had the chance. + lucky me, we just did, last sunday! 🙂

after visiting expo mom, where i get to see cool stuffs + interesting toys to play with, we headed to mega mall to watch the avengers. it was a fun + enjoyable film to see! although, i was covering my ears most of the time + asked mum to cover my eyes, too, especially when the big, green monster hulk is shown, i would stay i rather enjoyed it + would recommend for other kids to see it, too. just make sure you see it with your mums, right? + ask them to cover your eyes + ears, too, when those loud + action-packed scenes are shown.

kids in doodles, movies, out + about, best things to do this summer, toddlers

my favorite avenger will have to be ironman, he is just way too cool, what with all the features he possesses! + do check out that scene where he tried to propel their ship back up in the air! + that thing he has up on his bulding’s roof top is just amazing! okay, i won’t tell anymore, the film is good + you better see it for yourself!

meanwhile, check out our cool photos with iron man. tita cecille took this right after we got our movie tickets after braving the long queue at the ticket booth. 🙂

what is the latest movie you’ve seen? share that or any of your doodles stories with us, do not forget to visit other participants to make our game more fun, right? check out the rules of our game + the badges here  🙂

thanks tita mirage for the linkie 🙂

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