free diapers from twins lampein

we won these big packs of diapers from twins lampein’s facebook page contest in january + on march 29 we met up with one of their representatives downtown to get our prize. these diapers would have got me covered for one whole month + mum said it also has the cloth-like quality of my current brand. the only downside is there is no way i can fit my 21-kilo frame into these 12-kilo sized dappys! ๐Ÿ™

we planned to give it out in a giveaway here but changed our mind + gave it to a worthy recipient who might just fit into them, instead, + mum ended up buying another jumbo pack of my diaper brand for this month’s use.

anyway, i’d still want to say a big thanks to twins lampein for our prize! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Orange Tuesdays

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my orange mickey mouse coin bank

my favorite things, mickey mouse, mickey mouse clubhouse, orange

mickey mouse is among my most favorite characters, i’d quickly spot him + point at him anywhere i see him. i love watching his mickey mouse clubhouse episodes + i love looking at his pictures from books + magazines, too.

last month, when we went to the mall, mum + i spotted some of those cool sunglasses + have me tried some. we settled for this blue green aviators, + what do you know, my sunglasses came with this very cute orange container that doubles as a coin bank.

i am filling them with one-peso coin from mum’s change or, sometimes, from tita‘s pocket! ๐Ÿ˜‰

mickey mouse, my favorite things, mickey mouse clubhouse, orange

i was busy watching yet another clubhouse episode last night before i went to bed + mum took these snapshots. am sharing them with orange tuesday + hey, don’t forget to join this week’s kids in doodles, too, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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my lightning mcqueen magic slate

orange, toys, lightning mcqueen, my favorite things, gifts

i did mention in my kids in doodles post that mum + i went to manila last weekend to meet up with my ninang jack. i last saw her when i was baptized, so i am not familiar with her that much. mum + her agreed to meet up at the block, in sm north. we found one of this shops that serve taho, which is one of my favorites + the grown ups decided to sit there for awhile as they finish their cups ofย taho. i am not too fond of it + would rather play around while they eat ๐Ÿ˜€

ninang jack gave me a gift which i ย excitedly open. when all the christmas wrapper is gone, i got this lightning mcqueen magic slate + i liked it instantly. i doodles on the magnetic pad + played with the clock + the knobs on top. it also comes with these shapes of heart, circle + triangle that leaves a stamp-pad like print on the slate when you use it. mum also wrote letters on the slate for me to read + my ninang was so delighted that i can now distinguish + read most of the letters of the alphabet ๐Ÿ˜€

after i got bored writing on the slate, the different stamp-pad like shapes make for good improvised balls i threw around the floor! i was all over the floor catching them, + sometimes mum would run + get them for me. + did i mention i knocked down a poster/display in the shop in the middle of my rough play? glad the shop keeper did not spank me!

mum told me to just sit + behave after that, but she knows i cannot really sit still for 5 solid seconds, i had to run around the place again. ย i busied myself checking out the mannequins nearby before the grown ups decided to call it a day.

my entry for this week’s toy stories ๐Ÿ™‚ย my new lightning mcqueen magic slate has that cool orange border so thought i’d share it with orange tuesdaysย ๐Ÿ™‚

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