kids in doodles: jared + the typewriter


kids in doodles, toys, play, toddler, kids

time for kids in doodles once again + sorry that it will be up a day late this week, mum + i were both dead tired yesterday to even go online + update this corner. will tell you more about it soon, anyway, on to today’s K.I.D 🙂

the first time mum met up with her fellow postcard collector was also the first time i’ve ever seen one of these things + curiosity, of course, got the better of me that i went ahead + touched it! mum told me it was called a typewriter + back when computers are just a thing of the future, typewriters are what people used to create documents + school projects.

kids in doodles, kid, toddlers, play,

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my colorful weekend at the wonka imaginarium

wonka imaginarium, colorful things, weekend, kids, toddlers, play

mum + i went to the wonka imaginarium last week + boy was it too much fun to go there! 😀 we are told to search for the rainbow which is used by the wonka factory to make the most delicious candies.

wonka imaginarium, kids, toddlers, play, weekend, colorful things

we first searched in the enchanted forest, where we encountered huge grasshoppers + lady bugs + the walking + talking tree that even exchanged high fives with me {i was afraid of it at first but mum told me not to + told me to approach it!}

colorful things, wonka imaginarium, weekend, toddlers, play

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kids in doodles: jared + the christmas display


Christmas, toddlers, Kids in doodles

2 saturdays ago mum + i went to sm pampanga’s unveiling of their beautiful christmas display, that includes replicas of world famous landmarks like the eiffel tower in paris, the gondola in venice and the statue of liberty in the us + a lot more. i totally enjoyed playing with the colorful confetti + posing at every display while my tita jinky took a lot of photos + mum happily looked on 🙂

kids in doodles, toddler, play, christmas

can you tell am having a grand time?

kids in doodles, play, toddlers, christmas

i even posed with some of my new-found ates + kuyas who were also taking some snaps at the cool display.

it is your turn to share your kids in doodles story, check here on how we play this game 🙂

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