my musical stack + ball game toy

toys, play, toddlers, toy stories

one of my most favorite toy is this yellow elephant-like stack + ball toy. mum + dad got this when i was about to turn 1 + i’ve really had loads of fun playing with it. how do i play it? i stack up the colorful rings made of fabric which make up the body of the colorful elephant. when i am done i take out the colorful balls from the hole + drop it on top of the elephants head. the balls have beads inside so they make beautiful sounds when they move. the bottom of the funnel-like plastic body also makes wonderful sounds when you drop the ball inside it, which makes playing time all the more fun…

sometimes, mum would also try to make fun of me by using the fabric stackables as improvised headbands, she would put one on her head + the little one on mine, which i’d automatically remove since i really do not like putting anything on my head. my mum would then break into peals of laughter. funny mum, won’t you agree? 😉

my toy has been particularly silent for awhile now as it runs out of battery, so i hope mum can get me some batteries very soon so i can play with my toy again.

sharing this thru toy stories + orange tuesdays

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kids in doodles: bathtime funtime

kids in doodles, toddlers, play, bathtime

it is a monday once again + time for another kids in doodles edition. sorry mum’s posting this week’s meme late. we were out very early in the morning for some errands + some fun time down at the provincial capitol park {too bad mum was not able to bring our camera to snap some shots}. we also went on our very first playschool hunt + i kindly liked the atmosphere inside a classroom with several little children like me are learning + singing abc’s! it was absolutely the coolest!

K.I.D, kids in doodles

anyway before i went on to share my story for the week, i would just like to thank everyone who participated in last week’s kids in doodles: check out some cheeky comments at maLyth‘s entry, the techie playdate at Little Zoie’s Steps, check out the funny + fun side of her family at mommy-jheng‘s entry, see how Iris Joehanna’s day in the mall was, watch how creative little children can be at Our Home and Haven‘s post, be in awe at this picasso-ish masterpiece by D at Mirage‘s post + check MommyandMatt as they check out a very cool art exhibit.

also, notice how our linky for last week was peppered with uber cute thumbnails of your lovely posts? mum + i would like to give virtual hugs + kisses to tita Mirage for generously sharing her inlinkz with us. thank you! mwah!

now, on with this week’s kids in doodles

kids in doodles, toddlers, play, bathtime

i guess i have grown tired of my bathtub so i am moving on to experiment more exciting things in the bathroom + just a few weeks’ back, i tried hopping from my tub to our big pail. we use this big container to store water overnight just so we will be sure to have enough water supply the following day. + yes, i was having a funtime bathtime at a big pail full of overnight water. it was particularly cold..brrr..but who cares, it was also extra fun + i really had a great time 😀

kids in doodles, toddlers, play, bathtime

it was also a good thing mum allowed me to play in the water for a little while longer before scooping me up + dressing me up. i guess, it helped that she was busy preparing something in the kitchen as she watched over me play in the pail, that she lost track of time, which resulted to a longer playing time in the water for me 😉

kids in doodles, toddlers, play, bathtimeit was such a bathtime funtime + i am hoping i can repeat the act soonest. i just wish my allergy will go away so that mum will allow me to dip in the water longer after giving me a bath.

now it is your turn to share your kids in doodles stories. tell!

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kids in doodles: the toddler + the shades

Kids In Doodles

hello everyone, i hope you are all having a great monday! before anything else, i would to thank our participants from last week’s: Zzzz… Whaaat???, Iris Joehanna’s World, Mirage, maLyth, Mommy Jes, Mai @ MaiThreeBoyz +, our newest participant, Lalah. i {meaning mum, hehe!} had loads of fun reading about your entry + i am looking forward to reading your entries for this week, too. so here goes…

shades, Kids In Doodles, kids, toddlers, playi have found another great improvised toy in mum’s closet + that is her sunglasses. when i was a bit younger, no one can make me wear one no matter what they do. i got fussy whenever you put something in my face or in my head that i will always reach for it + grab it so i can throw it away! 🙂

kids, toddlers, play, Kids In Doodles

i discovered her shades recently, in one of my late night wanderings in our bedroom when i simply refuse to go to sleep 😛 so everytime i play at night, it will never be complete without getting this from the closet + asking mum to wear, which she does most of the time, but will remove as soon as she can {her vision is not really 20/20 so she is having problems seeing clearly wearing this shade at nighttime!}. sometimes, she simply had no choice so she’ll wear it anyway, while using the computer. but she said it strains her eyes + she can’t just keep it too long.

lately, mum found the most effective way for me to wear her shades, too! we play taking turns: mum wears the shade for a bit then she will pass it on to me so i can take my turn. i guess, mum made the most of it + snapped these photos to her delight.

shades, kids, toddlers, Kids in doodles

so what do you think? do i look cool in this shades or what? 🙂

tell us your most fun + interesting kids in doodles story for this week. check out the codes here, too {but be patient, mum is still struggling with the codes + all that stuff!}

+ don’t forget to link up here, right? 🙂

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