kids in doodles: a weekend with my cousins

kids in doodles, family, playtime, weekend, out + about

we live in the same city, but you’d think we live in different countries or planets since we seldom see each other. it has actually been a while since i last saw my cousins, kuya sean + ate shane, that is why i was really happy when i finally came to see them two sundays ago when we visited my grandparents’ graves. they have grown bigger + taller compared to the last time i’ve seen them. both my cousins busied themselves with school during weekdays.

the memorial is one big green park, with lots of stuff to explore + loads of area to cover + run around, that is why after a round of greetings, we were immediately on our toes walking around with our tita jinky 🙂

kids in doodles, playtime, weekend, out + about, family

we had a wonderful sunday together. the grown ups also made plan to for us to see madagascar that afternoon, but we lacked the time + decided we just do it some other time. oh well, i really had a wonderful time playing with my cousins again, much like the old times!  hopefully i’d get to see them again real soon so we can play with my new finn mcmisile die cast car {which I shall share with you in another post, i promise}! 🙂

kids in doodles, out + about, playtime, weekend, family

time for you to share your doodles with us.  the rules of our game is very simple, you post any photo or video with the kiddos in it! do not forget to include one of our meme badges, which  can be found here, hop on to the other participants + leave your comments! easy-peasy, right? so i look forward to all your entries + here’s to another beautiful week ahead + never you mind the rain! 😉

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kids in doodles: meet my new playmate

kids in doodles, playtime, summer

one of the best things i love about my swimming class last summer is that i get to meet  + play with a lot of other kids which i don’t usually do. apart from learning how to swim together, we also get to play in the kiddie pool after class {we swim in the 4 feet/5 feet pool during class} which makes my afternoon all the more fun! 🙂

meet one of the friends i made in swimming class ~ ate ayen! she’s five + she wanted so much to adopt me as her brother! 😀  she already goes to school + also knows how to swim without the floaters, too. in fact she won a medal during the swimming class graduation day where a friendly competition participated by the students {i am not included as mum forgot to bring my swimming gears that time, plus i do not know how to swim at the time!} was also held.

kids in doodles, playtime,

check us out while we were goofing around! 😀

it has been a few weeks since our last day in swimming class + i am missing ate ayen already! i wish i’d see her soon….

your turn to share your doodles with us, do not forget to check out the other badges {+ the rules of the game, too!} here. i shall wait for your entries, then! have a great week ahead everyone! 😀

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playing in the greens before my swimming lessons

playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

one of the things we need to do before starting our swimming class is to stretch to get the muscles in condition. + there is a green, grassy patch where we do our stretching each day. apart from stretching, i also enjoy walking around this area of the resort where everything around me seems green ~ from the grass to the vines crawling on the wall + the ceilings, too. it was rather relaxing + enjoyable staying in this spot + mum kinda likes it, too!  🙂

playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

here are a few of the photos mum took one time i was playing at this green area. if she can, she would’ve probably preferred to have something similar like this at home or she’d probably want to frequent a place something similar. she said one of the best things for parents to do is exposing little children to nature + teaching them how to save it at an earlier age, that way they’d develop a certain love + appreciation for nature even at an early age,+ hopefully when it is their time, they’d lend a hand in saving the environment + ultimately, our planet. i know i will! 😉

 playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

it has been awhile since i’ve been to the resort + i am missing it a lot, as well as coach abbey + the rest of the coaches. mum said she will see if i can enroll for another round of lessons next month, otherwise i will have to wait until next summer so i can practice on my swimming again. hopefully it will be sooner, i cannot wait to get back into the water again 🙂

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