happiness is playing with my stuffed friends whenever i had a chance, which is just about everyday 🙂 + as i have told you in my previous post, i was evading my afternoon nap + found something fun + worthwhile  to do.
here are some of the photos of me with my other stuffed toys which mum took. that first one is the kung fu panda stuff toy, poh! we won it from a blog giveaway last year {check out the details here}. the second photo is that of  tiger, my brown tiger stuff toy which was given to me by one of mum’s blogger friend, tita joy, along with another interesting toy.
the 3rd photo is that of me + my friend, horsie, who’s actually a seahorse. we saw him from the mall a few months back, i wouldn’t let it down, thus mum had no choice but to buy it for me. i love its nice blue shade 🙂 + the last photograph is that of  me + piggy, which was also a prize mum got from one of those online giveaways she joined last year, it’s a character in that angry birds game which we are not really familiar!  ^_^
sharing my tiger toy with thursday brownies + my first time to join: