my first blog giveaway winnings!

my first ever blog giveaway prize!yay!
i can’t believe my eyes when i saw my blog’s banner photo in mommylace‘s blog and to top it off she’s just posted the winner for her lactacyd baby bath time contest! and yes, i won! the contest was fairly easy, really. i  was just asked to comment about the best bath time experience i had with my baby, so i did. i wrote about our bath rituals and and enumerated our activities for a superb bath time experience. i even forgot to mention that i also blow edible bubbles for jared’s enjoyment whilst he play on his bathtub!

here’s the except from mommylace’s blog:

Thank you to everyone who joined, I had a hard time choosing the best answer! Obviously, all of us enjoy bath time with our babies :) And here is the mom who will enjoy a shopping spree at Big & Small Co. worth Php 3,000 :-
Mommy Vix says:

I try to make every bath time a fun experience for me and my baby. I bought him a tub especially for the occasion and  i sing him a song whenever i bathe him “ligo, ligo, ligo na si jared..”
Vix and her baby Jared
We also make bath time playtime by handing him his rubber fishies (yep, he doesn’t take much liking to rubber duckies!) to play with as I clean him up and yes, mummy sprinkles water gently on baby’s face, while he splashes on the tub like a fish accompanied by fun giggles. In the end, mom ends up all soaked too! I also allot 2 to 3 minutes of play after I rinse him up. That will be the time baby will play with his mini basin and dipper, banging them on his tub and splashing them on water.
My baby had cradle cap and skin allergy when he was born and I used lactacyd to bathe him as recommended by our pedia. I love that it is gentle on my baby’s sensitive skin and that Jared smells very clean after every bath. It also makes bath time more fun time since I have one less thing to worry about.

Congratulations and enjoy shopping! :)

yay!3,000php gc from big & small co! have yet to ask someone to pick-up my prize for me, though. can’t wait to shop for jared’s christmas stuff (i’ve done a bit from the last expomom and i still have to buy him pants or shorts and shoes!)
thanks mommylace and here’s to future giveaway success! if you want to try your luck on contests and giveaways do drop by her site every so often, she always has something up for grabs:)
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diaper booboo…

i have been an EQ Dry  user since jared was 4 months, a good mummy friend of mine, who also happens to be jared’s godmother, jannai, gave me a  pack as a baptismal gift so i can try it.  her baby jolo is also using the same brand. it was the best for my baby (hiyang in our vernacular), gone are the dappy leak so i’m sure that my son is getting enough sleep every night, and the nasty rash that he got from other nappies we’ve tried. happy baby equals happy mummy and everything seems rosy!

in may am only too glad when i found out that they are having  the EQ Dry Baby’s 1st Chair and Desk promo.  i’ll be hitting two birds with one stone you see.  my problem on how to dispose of the diaper packagings is solved plus i can get a premium item in return. it’s all good!i only need to collect 42 points worth of diaper packaging and am all set. a fellow SP mommy, Irish, even gave me 10-point worth of packs and am very greatful.

i sent the parcel thru jrs express last july 30, just in time for the promo’s deadline, bearing in mind that i will only have to wait a month for my premium items to arrive, i’m delighted that the parcel will arrive just in time for jared’s 1st birthday, it couldn’t get any better than that, right?

so i waited, one, two, three days passed, and what do you know a month passed and no sign of my parcel from the postman…i’ve waited two months or so after i finally resigned and convinced my self that probably my parcel got lost in transit! then i checked the SP Forum and found out i wasn’t the only one. in fact, a lot of mummies were wondering where have all our premium items gone! one even checked with jsunitrade but was greeted by a non-enthusiastic personnel. how sad and irresponsible is that?!

then the other day, i was facebooking (yes, i think this is an actual word) and saw a widget of eq diapers on my sidebars and it piqued my interest so i hurry on to the page. it turned out EQ Diapers has just recently joined Facebook and they have also recently came out with a website of their own, EQ Diapers.

i posted a comment on their wall asking about my premium items and they quickly get back to me saying they will send a message to address the concern.  and after a while they posted this on their wall :

Thank You for joining EQ Dry Baby’s 1st chair and Desk redemption promo. We are sorry for the delay of the delivery of your premium item/s. Rest assured that all your entries are being processed. Please expect the delivery of you premium item/s between 1st to 3rd week of December 2010.

now at least we still have reason enough to wait and not harass the postman suspecting he decided to bring home our parcel and we can now sit back thinking that the precious time and effort we give to the promo will not go to waste. so sit back mummies and let’s wait some more..

Plus, in celebration of their newly established website, EQ Diaper invites you to become a member of  EQ Club. i’ve attached the registration form here. the first 100 members win special gift packs plus your baby get to have the EQ club card, so sign up now and let us see how they fair on this one…

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