kids in doodles: fun animal wooden puzzles

kids in doodles

hello everyone! i hope you are having quite a great time today. time again for another round of kids in doodles + before I go on to share my fun story for today let me just give a shout out to our 2 participants for the last edition, Little Zoie’s Steps + MaiThankfulheart. these folks are regulars + i would like to thank them for their continued support! 🙂

now onto this week’s doodle!

wooden toys, educational wooden toys, wooden toys for children, kids in doodles, toys, my favorite things, puzzles

i was not able to go to playschool for two days last week since i am having bouts with cough + colds. my pedia said i need to drink anti-biotics so that i can get rid of the phlegm, but you know how i just dislike taking meds, right?

mum + i were practically cooped up at home for most of the week. aside from watching all these wonderful cartoons on the telly, another thing that help me passed the time away is playing with my animal wooden puzzles!

wooden toys, educational wooden toys, wooden toys for children, kids in doodles, toys, my favorite things, puzzles

i got this toy as another gift from mum last christmas, that time i was too preoccupied with my new iron man + wreck-it ralph toys that i hardly took notice. mum even had to keep it away in the hopes that i might learn to like it better next time, which i did! i love puzzles + they are really quite fun + enjoyable to play with. you might want to check out some of my puzzles in my post here + here!

what i love best about these wooden puzzles is that they feature mum + baby animals in it. apart from that, it is also a very cool toy because it features a number of animal pairs. It is cube shaped and has one animal puzzle in each side. there is a chicken, pig, giraffe, cat, cow, and my fave, elephants!

wooden toys, educational wooden toys, wooden toys for children, kids in doodles, toys, my favorite things, puzzles

mum + I spent a lot of time solving the puzzles and naming the animals + babies. i also enjoy making their fun animal sounds! 🙂

okay your turn to share any awesome toys you discovered recently or whatever fun doodle you have. link up + add one of our k.i.d. buttons + visit our playmates, too! have a good one! 😀

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