my white mickey mouse coinbank

 kids, my favorite things, whites

my mum got me this white mickey mouse coinbank in january. i instantly fell in love with it since mickey is one of my most favorite characters. there are several colors available on display but we settled for the white since mum find it way too cute! 🙂

i actually thought that this was a toy+ went on to play with it. i used it as a ball + cracked as soon as it fell off the floor {you can see some of the in the photo, in fact} but mum said that it is not + it is actually a coin bank, used for storing coins so we can save some money. she said it is a great way of teaching little kiddos like me the idea of saving, plus, it also makes for one ideal counting practice.

i am now filling my coin bank, tooddles, with 5-peso coins. this is my second coin bank {check out my  first one here, which we are filling with 1-peso coins} + is now filling a third one with10-peso coins. i shall tell you all about it soon. mum said the coins we save will be used for buying me a lightning mcqueen cake on my 3rd birthday! 🙂

are you using coin banks to save your coins, too?  am sharing my post with wednesday whites, by the way 😉

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