I have never really gone out to visit my ninongs + my ninangs, since most of them live in manila where mum used to work before. although i’ve ย only got a few gifts for this year, i love each one of them + who knows maybe i will get more in the coming days. christmas season is not yet over, anyway ๐
here are my favorite gifts this christmas:
this is a book + slate given to me by my ninang ella, which i particularly loved because i love cars + i also love doodling ๐
this one is the last of mum’s wooden toy gifts. this is the only one i got to open on christmas eve, really, since this is the only one mum brought from our tree back home. since it is impractical to bring all my gifts along when we went home, mum brought this so i will be sure to open it during our celebration. we opened it before the feast + i was dosing off to dreamland when the grown ups started eating the food they prepare. i love this toy, i played with it for a long time when i opened it! ๐
the last gift i will share to you is this hotwheels bowl set which was given to me by tita jane, one of mum’s friends. i love it too, even if it’s not a toy as i will surely enjoy using them in the coming days. hopefully mum can encourage me to eat more solids next year with this ๐
i will tell you more about my other gifts next time…sharing this thru toy stories ๐