colorful toy train

toys, toy stories, colorful stuffs, toddlers,

mum got me this colorful wooden toy train, too, the last time she went out to go to manila. check out the other wooden stuffs she’s got for me here. what i love about this train is that it has numbers on them so mum can teach me how to count while i am playing with them.

toys, colorful stuffs, toy stories, toddlers,

each pieces can also be separated, so i can have a single, very long wooden train or many little train pieces, what fun! 😀 it is now one of my favorite toys, well, each one of them is my favorite anyway 😛

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my musical stack + ball game toy

toys, play, toddlers, toy stories

one of my most favorite toy is this yellow elephant-like stack + ball toy. mum + dad got this when i was about to turn 1 + i’ve really had loads of fun playing with it. how do i play it? i stack up the colorful rings made of fabric which make up the body of the colorful elephant. when i am done i take out the colorful balls from the hole + drop it on top of the elephants head. the balls have beads inside so they make beautiful sounds when they move. the bottom of the funnel-like plastic body also makes wonderful sounds when you drop the ball inside it, which makes playing time all the more fun…

sometimes, mum would also try to make fun of me by using the fabric stackables as improvised headbands, she would put one on her head + the little one on mine, which i’d automatically remove since i really do not like putting anything on my head. my mum would then break into peals of laughter. funny mum, won’t you agree? 😉

my toy has been particularly silent for awhile now as it runs out of battery, so i hope mum can get me some batteries very soon so i can play with my toy again.

sharing this thru toy stories + orange tuesdays

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my other shape-sorter toy

toys, play, kids, toy stories

this is a hand-me-down toy from my tita belle, which was first handed down to my cousins, sean + shane, + probably, even, my tito ken, when he is just a toddler 🙂 tita belle told me to take care of it as she will be handing it down to her future children, too!

this toy is actually 20 years old or more, as this used to be my tita’s toy when she was just a little girl. it was gifted to her by one of her ninangs one christmas.

this toy is a shape-sorter, that mum + her siblings fondly called “shape-o”. it has shapes like a circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, cross, among other shapes. i do not recognize most of them yet, since i only enjoy scattering them on the floor or forcing a shape into an entirely different slot {i am successful as some point!:) }, but am sure mum will teach me how to play it well soon when i am ready!

this is my toy stories share for the week, care to share yours?

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