5 Trendy Tips To Getting New Customers At A Trade Show

tips and tricks, grown up stuff, business tips

Trade Shows provide amazing opportunities for brand marketing and many businesses want to shine on it. Getting enormous attention during these shows give a brand a leverage for exposure and getting new clients. Over the years, various schemes were formulated to make a brand standout during trade shows for the sole purpose of gaining new customers. Some succeed and some fail miserably. The right balance of creativity and logic is required mixed together with an ingenious marketing strategy must be met to make the best out of every show attended. Fortunately, it does not require rocket science to catch big attention during trade shows. There are simple things that if done right may give you the results you need.

Today, various marketing techniques are being used during trade shows and many are proving to be effective. Here are some of them:

Don’t Stay Inside the Booth

Being chained to your booth is a good way to let potential customers slip. Get out there and do the marketing. The percentage of people visiting your booth and start asking questions is slimmer than going with the crowd to hunt for your potential clients. Try to devise strategies that involve going around and encouraging people to either visit your booth or getting to know your brand. You will cover more area, which means more chances of getting more new clients.

Fidget Spinners on the Table

You know how much people are drawn into fidget spinners lately and taking advantage of this to make them come to you is a smart idea. There are incredible fidget spinners for promotions from iPromo that you can use to lure in potential clients. You may also use other promotional items that are equally appealing.

Offer a Fun Experience

It’s not about who has the biggest booth that people remember, it is the one who gave them the best experience. Plan out some fun tricks and games that booth visitors will really enjoy. It should be easily associated with your products or services for higher marketing hits. Play around and take risks. No one became successful by playing too safe. The grander and fun it is, the more people will gather around you and more potential customers could be possibly converted into new clients.

Invest in a Good Display

Again, it is not about the size, it is also about presentation. Make it a point to invest generously in your display to make it more attractive even from afar. Good design sets the stage for you and you need to take advantage of it.

Market in Advance

To ensure that more people will come to your booth, advertise in advance. Send out emails, do posts in social media and other tricks to get attention even before the trade show officially begins. You will be one that people will look forward to.

There are a lot of ways to get attention, but you can’t do everything at once. Choose the strategies that are perfect for your brand and marketing strategy to get the most out of every trade show you participate in.

image via Pixabay

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Dressing Up As Harry Potter

Mum recently re-posted this photo of me from several Halloweens ago when I dressed as Harry Potter. This is to commemorate the glorious 20 years of our favorite wizard of all! My mum + her siblings’ fascination for the wizarding world of JK Rowling is slowly rubbing in on me + I think it won’t be long now until I read our hardbound books! It is just waiting for when I am ready for their pages! But I have already seen the film versions a number of times! 🙂

For this costume, we got a ready-made black robe from a shop in the city center + borrowed my tito‘s wand. For the finishing touch, we bought the rimmed-glass from a vendor in the market for Php20 {about $0.39} and viola, I transformed into Harry! Do you think I look like him? 🙂

It is only several months before Halloween + I hope I’d still fit into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Raphael costume mum got me earlier this year. I will wear it to the Halloween celebration in school or if not, mum promised we’d join a local Trick Or Treat activity so I can wear my costume. I am excited! Who are you going to be this Halloween? 🙂

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Jared Discovers: This Cool Germ Video

This video talks of the time back when cholera became an epidemic and many people got inflicted + died because of the disease. A child shared the many effective ways on how the people in his village can fight off cholera for good.

It was actually mum who stumbled upon this interesting video on Facebook {am not allowed to use it yet} and bookmarked it so she can show it to me. She thought I would like the illustration + I did! I also find this very educational +, like the people featured on the video, life-changing.

We may not be threatened by cholera today, but there are still many diseases that can be prevented by washing our hands before we eat and keeping proper hygiene.

Check out the video for yourself + I hope you learn something from it. Have a good one!

Disclaimer: Mum wrote this post {of course} but I came up with that title. Isn’t it cool? 😉

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Google Doodle: Happy Father’s Day 2017!

Father's Day, greetings, Google Doodle, occasions

Here’s another cool Google Doodle for everyone + just in time for Father’s Day! I think it is awesome, fun, + colorful, just look at all those bright + happy colors! I also thought the baby and daddy cacti are way too cute! 😀 These drawings show how much our dads play very important roles in our lives.

Cheers to all the loving, hard-working, + awesome dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my Daddy {Mum + I love you very much!}, my Papa in heaven, whom we know is always looking down on us, my Tito PJ, + all our dad friends who make this world an awesome place because you all are in it! 🙂

Happy Father’s Day!

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Hapy Meal Toys 2017 ~ Despicable Me 3!

I just love the Despicable Me bunch! Gru is cool, the girls are all cute, + the minions are awesome! That is why I enjoy watching their films over again and playing with my old Happy Meal minion toys. I was also lucky to complete the set of Minions Happy Meal toys from a few years ago. It is also the reason why I am excited about the new Despicable Me 3 film + the Happy Meal toys!

minions, toys, collections, happy meal toys

Just before I went back to school, we were able to get a complete set of the new Happy Meal Despicable Me 3 toys. The set includes the following toys:

  1. Agnes Rockin’ Unicorn {Agnes rocks back + forth if you move her unicorn ride}
  2. Despicable Duo {a cool car that has a surprise inside, a photo of Gru + Dru}
  3. Minion Antics {this minion’s arm rotates when you push the button at its back}
  4. Crab Bite Minion {his hat flies off when you push the red button on his backpack}
  5. Banana Launcher Minion {the purple anchor launches when you push the purple end of the Banana Launcher}
  6. Playful Minion {his tongue sticks out when you push at the “G” icon on his over-alls
  7. Groovin’ Minion {press it to the floor to see its arms alternately move up + down}
  8. Rocket Launcher Minion {push his wheels forward to see him zoom backwards}
  9. Pumping Iron Minion {move the lever on its back from left to write to see him pump his iron up + down}
  10. Minion Hydrocycle Surprise {the back of his ride pops + reveal a minion inside when the front wheel bumps into something}

minions, toys, collections, happy meal toys

I am happy to add these toys to my minion collections. They are all my favorites but I think the Despicable Duo is my most favorite because it has Gru and his twin brother, Dru. The minions in prison uniform are also cool because they remind me of Scofield + Lincoln from mum’s favorite tv series. ^_^

Are you also collecting the Despicable Me 3 Happy Meal toys? Which one is your favorite? 🙂

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