i know i’ve just mentioned pets on my recent kids in doodles post, but did i tell you that it wasn’t only me who enjoyed petting + holding the colorful parrot? mum also had a wonderful time doing exactly that. she won’t be beaten + held the bird, too. + i bet you can tell from the photos, right? 😉
the parrot’s claws might hurt a bit, but it was all tingly and ticklish for the most part so we really enjoyed holding it. it was a good thing it shares the same feeling, otherwise it might’ve bitten us or something! 😀
it was the first time we experienced parrots first-hand + i must say it was one of the best things we ever did. birds and animals in general are simply fun + enjoyable to be around. i would love to see + bond with more of them in the future, i cannot wait for our trip to the zoo. mum has been planning that for a while now, but we do not have any concrete plans yet. i just hope we’d be able to visit one before the year ends!
Zoomanity Group was kind enough to email mum the photos they took of us during the Junior Prenuer event, so shout outs to you guys + thanks! 🙂
am linking the colorful parrot with: