join this awesome giveaway sign-up now!
- giveaway happens on 08-29 july, 2013
- we are giving away an apple iPod nano 16gb slate (7th generation)
- the winner gets to choose from any of the available colors and add free engraving, too!
sign-up details:
- first 50 bloggers to sign up gets a free link of either twitter or pinterest with announcement post
- pay $5 to waive the annoucement post
- if you have no time to create your own, get your announcement post here
- extra links are also available for $3 each
- co-host spots are also available for $10
- co-hosts get 2 host pages + 10 links on the rafflecopter widget, with no announcement post
- send payment to as a gift
- maximum of 200 bloggers are expected to sign up in this massive giveaway
- each co-host will have his or her own rafflecopter widget with links so the rafflecopter will not be as long as in other giveaways
- it is mandatory to join this group on facebook,
for questions, please email the giveaway host at