apple iPod nano 16gb slate (7th generation) event sign-up


announcement, giveaways

join this awesome giveaway sign-up now!

about the giveaway:
  1. giveaway happens on 08-29  july, 2013 
  2. we are giving away an apple iPod nano 16gb slate (7th generation) 
  3. the winner gets to choose from any of the available colors and add free engraving, too!

sign-up details:

  1. first 50 bloggers to sign up gets a free link of either twitter or pinterest with announcement post
  2. pay $5 to waive the annoucement post
  3. if you have no time to create your own, get your announcement post here
  4. extra links are also available for $3 each
  5. co-host spots are also available for $10
  6. co-hosts get 2 host pages + 10 links on the rafflecopter widget, with no announcement post
  7. send payment to as a gift
  8. maximum of 200 bloggers are expected to sign up in this massive giveaway
  9. each co-host will have his or her own rafflecopter widget with links so the rafflecopter will not be as long as in other giveaways
  10. it is mandatory to join this group on facebook,

for questions, please email the giveaway host at

sign up here

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my ironman posters

my favorite things, ironman, super heroes

i was bitten by the ironman bug and for awhile i was talking non-stop about it! mum got me the ironman official magazine which i read just about every day! dad also got me this super cool ironman poster from mcdonald’s the last time we went there to eat. it came free from the burger meal that he ordered. this poster features the shotgun armor. am sure you all know that ironman got a lot of different armors, right? 🙂

my favorite things, ironman, super heroes

my second ironman poster was courtesy of my tito ken, which we got on election day. this time, it features red snapper, which is the armor tony starks wore at the latest ironman film. don’t you think he’s cool? 😉

i never got to complete all 4 mcdonald’s posters but i got two other ironman posters from another source. i will share those with you next time!

bye for now! 🙂


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my very first day at playschool

early learning, toddler, pre-schooler, milestones, playschool

hello there folks! it has been pretty quiet around here since mum + i have been busy with a lot of stuff offline. mum has very limited time updating our blogs because of the many things we have to do in the real world. one of which, am so excited to tell you, is enrolling me to my playschool. that is right! i am attending a school-like set-up for the very first time + i can tell that even mum is so excited! 😀

early learning, toddler, pre-schooler, milestones, playschool

it was my very first day at preschool two days ago + mum + i cannot wait to go. my classes starts at 9.30 in the morning so we really have to wake up really early and prepare. the playschool is located in the town proper, about 15 minutes away from our place.

my new playschool reminds me so much of activefun + i even thought it was a mini version when we first came here to inquire + enroll. there is a slide, lots of toys and my favorite, the swim ball! it is really a kid’s haven, if you ask me.

early learning, toddler, pre-schooler, milestones, playschool

it turned out, we also need to attend class + participate in the activities our teacher kai has planned for the day, but i have plans of my own + that is to just play all day! which i did! 😀

early learning, toddler, pre-schooler, milestones, playschool

playschool is fun + what’s even better is that i also get to play + make friends with kids my age! i found me a new playmate + i cannot wait to make friends with my other classmates soon, too!

i will be sure to update you again about our playschool adventure soon!

hope you’re well + do let me know how your own playschool experience goes in a comment below, right? 😉

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