whatta wonderful week!

we spent the week mostly at home and going out on those early afternoon stroll around the neighborhood which never ends without stopping by to visit a neighbor’s monkey (which i will photograph soon)! jared loves going out to take a walk especially when he’s been cooped up in the room for longer periods of time.

a daily morning scene:
mommy(talking to jared who’s hanging out by the door, raring to go out anytime an opportunity opens): baby you can’t go out of the house without your slippers, ok?
jared: (makes a beeline for the shoe rack, grabs his pair of clogs by either hands and goes out, barefoot, anyway)

my not-so-little-anymore baby is growing much each single day, with his personality manifesting in every possible opportunity..he now enjoys playtime with cousins sean + shane and never fails to giggle whenever anyone around tickles him or plays peek-a-boo with him. he also rediscovered his passion for pocoyo (maybe triggered by his recent close encounter) and would spend hours in front of the desktop ogling at his blue baby favorite and his wacky friends. he would also grab anything in the room and will find ways to play and have fun with it (the latest being the plug protectors i bought a couple of weeks back – he would ask mum to open it and he will scatter it delightedly all over the room!). books and magazines are also frequent victims!
mid-week, we went to visit my parents’ grave, it was my mama’s 4th death anniversary. we brought a dozen white roses and lit some candles and spent the afternoon there. jared saw this as another opportunity to practice his walking-running-striding skills. he roamed around the memorial park whole afternoon, i just let him since it is safer here, with loads of wide open space and nothing to bump into, plus the grass on the grounds will most likely cushion his fall from bumps, bruise + scrapes (he happens to fall a few times over, which he overcomes by quickly getting up to his feet again and resuming his expeditions!)
the same day happens to be my sis bel’s birthday too. she turns 30 that day! and since she cannot celebrate with us, being away for work, we had an ice cream party when she arrived on saturday.
and on sunday, it was another trip to the city for me and jared as we attended the parentin.tv’s i love my family event at the podium (i will post on this in details later). i met with friend vance and her family. some members of PMB were also there, but i just managed to have a short chitchat with mommy joy (who happens to be celebrating her blogversary with a party this february – i will make a separate post about this). all in all it was an afternoon of educating and enlightening talks, fun, food, entertainment and freebies, it was the first time i joined a parentin.tv event and it is a worthwhile experience, something i will be doing again for sure. 
and to cap the week with a happy note, i even got a new book for free, a copy of dan brown’s latest novel, the lost symbol, thanks so much for your generosity vance. i can’t wait to read it! it sure will be as heart-stopping as it’s predecessors and i simply missed robert langdon, so i’ll brace myself for the ride!
so goes my wonderful weekend, care to share yours? do click the badge join and for more information..
looking forward to another wonderful week ahead:)
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meet me on monday 34th edition


1.  Did you watch the Superbowl?
2.  What is the last book that you read?
3.  What is your favorite kind of cake?
4.  Do you snore?
5.  Do you play an instrument?

my answers:

1. nope, not really a big fan of nlf.

2. the last book i read was gray matter by dr. david levy

3. my favorite kind of cake is chocolate cake or cheesecake.yum!

4, i do not snore.

5. i cannot play any instrument, but i would love to learn how to play the piano, violin, drums + guitar. 

i would love to read your take on this, join in.

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music monday: A Sorta Fairytale by Tori Amos (official video)

since it’s several days before the lovebug bites again, i’d love to do a lovesong for this week’s edition of 
i particularly love this awesome song from tori amos, and i think this is the ultimate love song. i love the music + the lyrics is simply moving poetry, and the video with adrian brody in it is just the perfect visual representation…
 and i was talking to you
and i knew then it would be
a life long thing
but i didn’t know that we
we could break a silver lining

and i’m so sad
like a good book
i can’t put this day back
a sorta fairytale
with you 

finding the love of your life completes you, so if you haven’t, go and search now before it is too late!
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Sunday Stealing: The Ace Meme (Part 3)

Cheers to all of us thieves!

68. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? haven’t been watching tv lately

69. WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE THAT YOU DON’T LIKE? ignore them or steer clear of them.

70. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? chocolate + pistachio

71. DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR FINGERS AND TOES? yes, fortunately i do!

72. SO IS IT GOING TO BE THE STEELERS OR THE PACKERS? not really much of an NFL fan.

73. PLANS FOR TONIGHT? rest, i need to get some rest. 

74. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO LIVE WHEN YOU RETIRE? my own farm in bulacan or anywhere near the sea


76. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? of late, i haven’t been listening much to my brand of music, my playlist is now dominated by barney songs:)

77. LAST THING YOU DRANK? Water, and I’m about to drink it again. So thirsty! LOL!


79. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE IN THE SEX(ES) YOU’RE ATTRACTED TO? eyes, i think, the window to the soul

80. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? take a breath, read a book, blog!

81. FAVORITE THING TO HATE? hate is not a good thing!



84. HAVE YOU EVER REALLY AND TRULY HAD A BEST FRIEND? would like to believe so:)


86. EYE COLOR? black

87. SHOE SIZE? 7

88. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE? jollibee + burger king

89. FAVORITE RESTAURANT? pizza hut + kenny rogers

90. DO YOU LIKE SUSHI? i’ m not really into sushi.

91. WATCH TV TODAY? was able to catch snippets of a talk show earlier.

92. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? august 30 – my son’s big day!

93. PLAY ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? unfortunately, but would love to learn how to play the guitar, violin, piano + drums!

94. POLITICAL PARTY? non-partisan

95. KISSES OR HUGS? both!

96. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? one nightstands are scary!


98. WOULD YOU EVER BE A HOUSE SPOUSE? staying at home to take care of my son is simply bliss!

99. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? the second novel by ethan hawke, faking it by jennifer cruisie (which i’ve been trying to finish for the last 4 years or so!) and will begin reading the lost symbol by dan brown next!

100. DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE LIFE: thriving, i suppose!

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friday fill-ins 2011.05


And…here we go!

1. We are on this earth because God wants to make it a better and more exciting place.

2. i would love jared to experience life to the fullest.

3. One of the hardest things for me to learn is to let go of my son when the right time comes, so he can spread his wings and take his own flight.

4. thanks to facebook for keeping me connected.

5. I remember five februaries ago, the pain that altered my life forever .

6. Being a stay-at-home mum is one of the best parts of my life.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to turning in early to have a goodnight sleep, tomorrow my plans include morning stroll around the neighborhood with my son and Sunday, I want to attend Parentin.tv’s i love my family event!

love to read your take on this….simply click on the badge to join!
happy weekend mummies!

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