time for another round of kids in doodles!
on the last day of the month, we attended jollibee’s last hoorah for summer, the jolly summer fun day!
we arrived to our local jollibee branch in crossing a lot earlier + mum got the chance to snap photos of me before the event started. +, of course, she also got me a big cup of my fave drink, pineapple juice! 😀
the event started much later so i was able to play and run around with other kids in attendance before it began. i found this new little guy playmate + we ran around the place, exploring every bit of interesting areas in the place, + after a while, the play area next room.
once the party started everyone was so excited. there were dancing and singing and much like every jolly kiddie party, there were games and contests for older kids to join, as well as other exciting treats prepared for us that day.
of course, no jollibee party will be complete without the dance number by our beloved jollibee mascot. he tagged along his good friend hetty to join the festivities + they gave a delightful dance number that all the kids enjoyed + danced along! mum also took the chance to have my photos taken with jollibee before our camera went dead.
it was a very fun + enjoyable afternoon, what a way to say goodbye to summer! + what’s even better is that mum even let me play at the play area afterwards! 😀
so how did you spend your last summer day? share it with us here to make our game more fun + do not forget to check in on other participants to spread some cheer, too. enjoy + have a wonderful week ahead! 🙂