jared’s little corner is back + so is blogger!

a view from my room
it has been one quiet day from this little corner, no thanks to blogger’s recent chaos. mum was just hurriedly trying to post some of our backlogs when the post editor suddenly gone berserk + she could no longer post (that was wednesday, i think) then yesterday morning, she could no longer sign in on our blogger account + had to give up updating this blog altogether.
we are only glad that blogger is back + so are we..
offline it was quite a laid-back day with practically nothing to do, i guess mum was feeling a little lazy so she was easy on the home chores, nothing note-worthy really, apart from the power interruption (again, since there was another one in wednesday too!) which happened whilst mum is cooking dinner a little late. it meant one very hot + humid night again for me, but i guess i was a bit exhausted + dosed off easily anyway. i am still in dreamland as you read this…
also, we will be heading Subic-bound in  a few hours (yes, + whilst i sleep soundly, mum was up for almost 24 hours already!). it will be our first family swimming outing + i am sooo excited. too bad my tito + titas cannot join us since they will be busy with work half of the day. i do hope we can go on a swim again before summer ends. maybe somewhere just near our place so anyone, including my cousins, can join us 🙂
happy weekend everyone + stay safe y’all!
and please do not forget to join our very first giveaway (if you haven’t yet!), much thanks to those who joined (i was hoping you can all be winners, but alas, this corner has quite a limited budget, we’ll just come up with something in the future!) + for those who forgot to indicate which prize you’d like to vie for, mum has left a comment on your post + do update us as soon as you can, ayt?


giveaway update

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mommy + me monday 02: mother’s day 2011

mum + i did not have quite a good photo on mother’s day (she has yet to study the art of taking self-portraits!hehe) but i guess this one will do. this is just a quick shot my mum took the morning of mother’s day in our room (notice my new haircut? will post on it in a while) 
we were stuck inside the house on a gloomy + rainy mother’s day sunday, but it’s all good, since we’ve been out the whole day yesterday for the expomom (which will be posted soon too) + for my very long overdue haircut! so we kinda enjoyed the lazy time spent at home. i particularly enjoyed taking naps as the weather made me fell a sleep so much easier.
we had a sumptuous kenny rogers dinner, courtesy of my tita cecille (sorry guys no photo was taken, dinner was gone soon as it was served, see!haha!), i particularly enjoyed their chicken noodle soup it is one of my favorite food! rounds of hershey’s with milk chocolate + reese cups ice cream were served  afterwards but i didn’t feel like having ice cream that night. 
we capped the night all cooped up in my room watching tangled for the nth time! it was such a fun mother’s day all in all + i know mum enjoyed it lots too:)
got any mother’s day photo?

this is our entry to this week’s

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

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the versatile blogger award

what better way to greet all the mums out there a happy mother’s day than by doling out this blogging award we’ve recently received from mommy genny of nathan stepping stones (mom is so giddy to receive another award for my blog, yay!)

so here are the rules upon receiving this award:

  • thank + link back to the person who awarded it (which i already did, thanks again mommy genny!)
  • share 7 things about yourself
  • award 15 other bloggers
  • contact the bloggers and tell them about the award

here are 7 facts about me:

  1. i have sensitive skin ever since i was a little baby
  2. i love pocoyo to bits!
  3. i definitely love yogurt drinks especially the strawberry flavored ones
  4. i enjoy reading
  5. i love music + listening to anything from mozart to will.i.am to elmo + barney
  6. i very much love cars + i can’t wait to drive the real thing
  7. going to mommy blogger events with my mum is something i do to pass the time

i am (mum helped me chose, too!) sharing this awesome award with the following wonderful blogs:

  1. the all-around mom 
  2. charlotte our little miss princess 
  3. chris chronicles 
  4. dress up your blogs 
  5. smart mommy 
  6. notepad corner 
  7. iris joehanna’s chronicle 
  8. mommy wannabe finally 
  9. journal of rj’s mama 
  10. life and then some 
  11. thoughts and sentiments of a blogging sahm mom 
  12. brown pinay

mum will be in touch with you lovely mums to tell you about this wonderful news. till then, have a great rainy Sunday or whatever’s left of it.

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