today i am sharing one of my oldest toys with you – my plush soccer ball. mum bought this for my very first christmas in 2009 from blue magic in sm pampanga. i guess this toy paved the way for my fascination with balls.
i simply love playing with it. sometimes i play on my own, sometimes i play with my cousins + my titos + titas, most times i play this with mum + dad. mum + i would chase each other around the kitchen with this ball. she also taught me how to kick using this toy. plus, i am also learning how to shoot with this ball, tossing it anywhere i can think of, yes, including mum’s face ;D
this is a photo of several months’ old me, yep with the mits + socks, trying to give my ball a kick ;D
i fall into fits of laughter + giggles, having a kick with this ball, especially when mum tosses it up into the air towards our ceiling. just fun!
when you have a ball, you have the world’s greatest toy of all! ~ barney
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Yes, Barney is right. When you have a ball, you have the world’s greatest toy of all. Without it, then Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant wouldn’t be famous 🙂
I think boys’ best toy is a ball. all boys got to experience playing with a ball. 🙂