the games we kiddos play

playtime, my favorite things, toddler games, games for little children

playing games is probably one of the most enjoyable thing to do as a kid + i am sure, like me, you also have loads of wonderful games that you play with your mum + dad, or siblings if you have some, or cousins, or just about anyone who would like to play with you.

here are a few of the games i enjoyed playing with my mum:

  • peek-a-boo ~ is probably one of the first games i enjoyed playing with the grown ups, i particularly enjoyed waiting for them to show their faces after hiding them behind their palms, or a book, or a pillow. now that i am a bit bigger, we also count from numbers 1 to 10 while we play this
  • a is for apple ~ apart from counting, i also learning about the alphabet that is why, this game is definitely one of my faves + you should see the look of delight on mum’s face whenever i blurt out something that perfectly matches the letter she mentioned. my faves are animals, like e for elephant + d for dog!
  • filling up my coin banks  ~ this will not probably count as an actual game, but we’ve made it into one. i sure get a knack at aiming at those slots with my 1-peso or 5-peso, even 10-peso coin, while counting the coins, too! the coins also make a wonderful sound when they dropped which made this activity even better. am sure this is something even the grown ups like,  + maybe that is the reason why there are practice slots + slots casinos for them to enjoy. who knows, i might enjoy those, too, when i am older.
  • puzzles ~ i love doing puzzles, mum said it not only makes for a great toy but also harnesses my logical thinking, too. i wish mum will get me a new one, so i can alternate it with the old ones i have

i shall share more of my favorite games in my upcoming posts. so, what is your favorite game, again? 😉

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kids in doodles: playing with spoons + straws

kids in doodles, kids, playtime, toys

one of the things i enjoy doing now is to play with spoons + forks. mum lets me eat on my own so i can practice on handling these utensils + so i can eat independently on my own when it is time. i would usually tell mum that i would eat + she will prepare food on my red bowl  + hand me my red spoon + fork. i just love doing this!

also, i have recently discovered another great plaything ~ straws! they come aplenty especially in fast foods that we visited + one time i’d take a few trips to the counter + get a few pieces of these straws to give to my mum who is waiting for our food to be served. these straws normally come in attractive red color 🙂

kids in doodles, kids, playtime, toys

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my white mickey mouse coinbank

 kids, my favorite things, whites

my mum got me this white mickey mouse coinbank in january. i instantly fell in love with it since mickey is one of my most favorite characters. there are several colors available on display but we settled for the white since mum find it way too cute! 🙂

i actually thought that this was a toy+ went on to play with it. i used it as a ball + cracked as soon as it fell off the floor {you can see some of the in the photo, in fact} but mum said that it is not + it is actually a coin bank, used for storing coins so we can save some money. she said it is a great way of teaching little kiddos like me the idea of saving, plus, it also makes for one ideal counting practice.

i am now filling my coin bank, tooddles, with 5-peso coins. this is my second coin bank {check out my  first one here, which we are filling with 1-peso coins} + is now filling a third one with10-peso coins. i shall tell you all about it soon. mum said the coins we save will be used for buying me a lightning mcqueen cake on my 3rd birthday! 🙂

are you using coin banks to save your coins, too?  am sharing my post with wednesday whites, by the way 😉

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