can’t get enough of harry potter

as the clock winds down to the last couple of days before the showing of the first installment of the last Harry Potter book, every potter-fanatic in this muggle world is beside himself with excitement. or if your were like me, cramming and fretting if i will ever get to finish the book, all 759 pages of it (i’ve read the first one hundred the last time i attempted to read and finish it!) before i see the film. or you are probably rummaging through the trailers and videos and photos (london premiere included) online (much like my lil bro, ken, is doing. whatever pre-deathly hallows activities suits you, goodluck with it. a few more days and we will all be trooping the the cinemas in the metro to witness the end of our beloved saga and we anticipate with mixed emotions. how do we say farewell to someone who has been part of lives much like a close friend or a cousin?and can we ever stop wondering if there ever will be another book coming up?i wonder…
for now, jared will have to bare with the potter loonies in this abode and amuse himself watching the official trailer over, and over, and over again or feast on these lovely images for the hundredth time…

the main casts with author jk rowling at the world premiere in london
daniel radcliffe, emma watson and rupert grint

see you at the cinemas everyone…


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my baby + me.. through pregnancy, birth and beyond

i made it to the my baby and me – through pregnancy, birth and beyond seminar at shangri-la mall with my little jared in tow and with my new mummy blogger friend, Karen and her lovely daughter, Kat.
it was an afternoon of stimulating talk on prenatal care and labor and i particularly liked the second one on breastfeeding plus. Dr. Anthony Calibo was so adept in explaining the rights of pregnant women during delivery and the importance of breastfeeding for mothers and babies alike. i regret that i was not able to attend this seminar before i gave birth, probably, equipped with knowledge on breastfeeding and the know-how on birthing procedures to induce lactation, i would have been successful in breastfeeding my baby. 
jared wants to taste the salad sampler…
with mummy bloggers and their babies
this time with chef mitchie

i learned about the benefits of early skin-to-skin contact post partum as i read the book i bought on breastfeeding after i gave birth (i bought the book a day before i gave birth and was not able to browse thru it as my waterbag broke 5am of the next morning). with the proper knowledge, it would have saved me all the frustration and the heartache i experienced while trying to nurse my baby.  see he’d been accustomed to bottle feeding the day he came out, that introducing my nipple might have caused confusion on him. he just wouldn’t latch and i would always end up pleading that he take even just a little of my milk and feeding him formula in the end as he simply refused to breastfeed.  
healthy recipes were whipped up by chef mitchie sison. i loved the salad sampler and the baby food she made, yummy and healthy too. prizes and surprises are also given away and though i did not win any of the raffles i went home with an avent feeding bottle and a via cup as well as other freebies and a sunnex ecobag.
my loot of the day
more seminars like this from mothercare and avent are slated in the future, so be sure to stay tuned as i will announce it here as soon as i caught wind.

Note: photo credits go to mummy karen, thanks ever so much!

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i have a confession to make…

i have a confession to make…
of late i would have to admit that i have been a total internet freak! i am online for long hours each day, you might say i am addicted!and yes i am an addict. i can’t seem to stop checking my facebook page and playing my all-time favorite game, cafeworld. you see i have a magical tea party to cater and in order to do so i must whip up creme fraiche caviar 300 times and several other dishes to finish it up and i must also help my other neighbors in achieving a three-star rating for their catering task!i cannot stop less i will let them down, right?
and lately, i have discovered a new passion and more than two months into it, i am hooked!and i was wondering why haven’t i discoverd blogging 10 years ago?!or probably when i was pregnant. you see blogging opened up loads of opportunities for me, press launch to attend, events to go to, new friends to meet, giveaways to join, bloghops to participate in, posts to create, links to share, blogs to visit, followers to follow too. the possibilities can be endless and am having the time of my life!i was like a kid on christmas morning opening her gifts!
well, yes i know that you can’t have too much of a good thing, and mr. paycee (that’s what we call our ever reliable, err sometimes erratic!, desktop!) have to rest some time too, and i am fully aware too that i need to bathe jared at 10am, do his laundry, wash his feeding bottles, wash the dishes, clean the house, mop the floor, fold the washed clothes, replenish jared’s stocks, dispose of his diapers properly, play with my baby, make sure he is happy and satisfied, teach him a thing or two about body parts and colors, wash him up at night before i put him to bed, play his fave baby einstein video (we are currently loving the farm) and finally put him to bed.
i know that life goes on beyond the realm of this cyber world and mummy duties just wait for no one, but hey allow me to check my emails and update my blog and finish my game plan in between diaper changes, will you?
enough of this now, my baby is awake, time for mr. pacey to sleep.

do link up with mama kat’s here…Mama's Losin' It

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an early christmas giveaway from pink magaline

giveways, i just love them (even though i haven’t won a single price as of yet, but am keeping my fingers crossed)!
i am excited that one of my mommy blogger friends, mrs. kolca (to the blogging world) or mommy jingke ( to her mummy blogger friends) is hosting a fab giveaway as an early christmas gift and a way of saying thank you. successful blogging venture, i must say! i must join!
loads of fabulous fab finds are up for grabs and the mechanics are easy-peasy, so procrastinate not, and waste not those precious free time while the baby is fast asleep, head on down to pink magaline for details.
and if asked why i should win this lovely giveway?i need to prettify for the coming holiday season!
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mommy moments – favorite color

mommy moments

blue, blue, blue and all its varying shades has been the color of my son’s universe….practically everything he owns, from feeding bottles, shirts, shorts, bibs, blankets, toothbrush, spoon and fork and feeding bowls, towels, even his crib and stroller, is in different hues of blue

we even painted the walls in blue and green and yep, even his favorite character is colored blue.
courtesy of google

so what is the color of your child’s universe?hop on to this bloghop’s site and tell us all about it

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